People we all know


Black guy that pretends to be white –

Instead of talking normal, he tries way too hard to blend in with white people. He loves Martha Stewart, listens to Pearl Jam and Nirvana and follows the NHL.

Puerto Rican girl with ghetto ass –

No complaining here. Just someone we all know!

Old paranoid Jewish guy

He hates every gentile, especially those with “German” sounding last names.

The hot mom that hits on her daughter’s boyfriend –

She will grab her daughter’s boyfriend right by the crotch even with her daughter in the room.


Recap of my year #1 – my family

Parents – My parents lived another year. They are both in their 70’s (dad is almost 80) and still with me. I got to see the NCAA Tournament live with my dad and saw UK win a National Title for the third time with my dad. That was priceless. I still enjoy my mom going off on not so nice rants. I enjoyed this when I was 10, 20 and now at age 31.As far as I’m concerned, they both could live another 70 years.

My sister Brenda – When I was a kid she was my favorite sister and she still is. She does a lot for my parents, like seeing them often. She is a great mom and one of the best people I’ve ever known.

My niece Ashley – It seems like yesterday I was holding a little 5 pound something baby. Now she is engaged to a nice guy and getting married. She is a hard-worker and deserves the best in life.

My niece Michaela; My nephew Matthew – They are my sister Brenda’s two kids. I see them a lot and miss them being little. They got me a cool UK blanket for my B-day that they made online. It is now on my bed as the main cover.

My sister Debbie – Probably saw her more this year than in the past five years put together. I got a nice hug and kiss from her on my b-day. Made me feel like a kid again after that.

Luke – He’s Debbie’s youngest kid. Sad that my 19 year-old nephew is like 4-5 inches taller than me. I can’t believe he’s in college now. It seems like he was 10 just yesterday.

Rachel – My sister Debbie’s middle child. I saw her on my birthday for the first time in about 5 or 6 years. She turned out to be a beautiful young lady that I am sure will make some guy lucky.

Rest of my family – Nothing bad. I don’t seem them or hear from them. So I won’t waste my time talking about them.

Nice blog #16 – children

Children are the most innocent beings on earth. Simple things make them happy. A hug can make their whole day. A candy bar can make them smile. Children don’t worry about the stress from work, a relationship or paying bills. They talk to make believe friends and are easily upset if the believe Santa Claus isn’t bringing them gifts. It sucks that we as adults lose that innocence.

As I stated in my “Guns are Good” article, how people can harm children is beyond me. People who abuse, beat or molest kids should be thrown into the smallest jail cell. There they should be locked away for 24 hours a day eating the worst food known to mankind. They should never be allowed to watch TV, listen to music or know anything about the outside world. People who harm children in any way are the worst scum on earth.

I hope after what happened at Sandy Hook has changed some parents and how they care for their children. Stop watching the NFL game for 5 seconds and hug your kid one extra time. Instead of sleep, read them one more bedtime story. Forget dropping your kids off with grandparents for “alone” time with your spouse. Spend the entire day as a family. I know I will tell my nieces and nephews I love them more than ever, even though they are older and aren’t into that so much these days. With today’s society, it could be the last time I get to.

“Hot” for Teacher

When I was in high school I either had men teachers or women that looked worse than the men teachers I had. Every year it seems some hot female teacher is sleeping with a student. Sad part is that these loser students snitch and rat out the hot teacher. If I had a hot teacher that was banging me, I would have kept my mouth shut and kept banging the babe!

Yes sir, Blowjob 101 would have been a great class to take with Ms. Julie Warning!!

Ms. Jones, I could care less about an A. Doggystyle and an F sounds much better!

I’m sorry, what class am I in? I thought this was panty sniffing 201!

Darn, she’s making me stay after class once again. I’m guessing no panties today!