Highlights of my Year 2012


UK Wins 2012 National Title – This was their third National Title in my lifetime. This one meant more because I got to see UK win two games in the NCAA Tournament with my father.  Instead of going out with my friends the night they beat Kansas, I watched it with my father. That was priceless.

We beat the Rapture and the Mayans – Jesus wasn’t ready to call me to Heaven and the Mayans are losers. God bless and I will see you all in 2013!

Simple, but fun vacation – I stayed home for vacation. Twice I got to bar hop with my friends Shannon, Keith and Kathy. I don’t recall much but I’m pretty sure I had fun. That’s why I’m writing about it.

Halloween Party – My friends and I went as the characters from Gilligan’s’ Island. We came in second in this very “fair” contest.

I tried – I gave me ex Liz a chance, twice. I really wanted to see her change. Sad that such a beautiful girl is wasting her life. At least I tried doing the right thing. I feel better knowing I did.

Hot girl – I got to make love to a hot girl. I won’t name her out of respect for her family. Damn she looks good.

New Hangout Place – What’s better than the Highlands Taproom? Simple, the Highlands Taproom Grill.

Core (Stone Temple Pilots -1992)

Dead and Bloated – The gunman in Sandy Hook committed suicide. Good. Have fun rotting in hell.

Sex Type Thing – There is a bartender at the Highlands Taproom Grill that I find to be beautiful. I call tons of women pretty and hot. I rarely use the term beautiful. I know I blush nearly every time I talk to her. Her smile could melt butter. Her body is smoking. To top it off, she is sweet like an angel. You may ask why I don’t go for it? Simple, I am talking to a girl and she is more than likely way out of my league.

Creep – Once again, the gunman from Sandy Hook is dead. Another asshole made a threat toward a school. These losers make law-abiding gun owners like myself look bad. Anyone that threatens or harms children should be beaten by mobs. After a nice beating these losers should be locked away for life in the smallest prison cell ever built with no Freedom what so ever.

Crackerman – In the past people have emailed me calling this website racist. Really? I make fun off all races of people (mainly my own, the cracker race), gender and sexuality. No one is safe from our rants. The site is mostly satire and comedy. If you take what I say serious you have issues. I will be nice and say this. If I did offend you, I am sorry. My intentions are to make people laugh. This site is not meant to offend anyone, for the most part. We do not hold racist views against anyone.

Nice blog #16 – children

Children are the most innocent beings on earth. Simple things make them happy. A hug can make their whole day. A candy bar can make them smile. Children don’t worry about the stress from work, a relationship or paying bills. They talk to make believe friends and are easily upset if the believe Santa Claus isn’t bringing them gifts. It sucks that we as adults lose that innocence.

As I stated in my “Guns are Good” article, how people can harm children is beyond me. People who abuse, beat or molest kids should be thrown into the smallest jail cell. There they should be locked away for 24 hours a day eating the worst food known to mankind. They should never be allowed to watch TV, listen to music or know anything about the outside world. People who harm children in any way are the worst scum on earth.

I hope after what happened at Sandy Hook has changed some parents and how they care for their children. Stop watching the NFL game for 5 seconds and hug your kid one extra time. Instead of sleep, read them one more bedtime story. Forget dropping your kids off with grandparents for “alone” time with your spouse. Spend the entire day as a family. I know I will tell my nieces and nephews I love them more than ever, even though they are older and aren’t into that so much these days. With today’s society, it could be the last time I get to.

Girl Scouts are commies; Boy Scouts are homophobic

(this is exactly what Stalin wanted, everyone looking the same)

Bob Morris had common sense. He knew the facts about the left-wing, pro-abortion baby killing commies! Sucks those damn cookies are so delicious!

(then you have the right-wing, gay bashing Boy Scouts or should I say, modern-day “Hitler Youth”?)

Sad that in the year 2012 gay people are seen as odd-ball, abnormal people. Can we please move on?

“Hot” for Teacher

When I was in high school I either had men teachers or women that looked worse than the men teachers I had. Every year it seems some hot female teacher is sleeping with a student. Sad part is that these loser students snitch and rat out the hot teacher. If I had a hot teacher that was banging me, I would have kept my mouth shut and kept banging the babe!

Yes sir, Blowjob 101 would have been a great class to take with Ms. Julie Warning!!

Ms. Jones, I could care less about an A. Doggystyle and an F sounds much better!

I’m sorry, what class am I in? I thought this was panty sniffing 201!

Darn, she’s making me stay after class once again. I’m guessing no panties today!