Rome ordains woman priest – now small girls can be molested

A dissident Catholic group ordained a Kentucky woman as a priest Saturday, highlighting divisions between U.S. members of the church and the Vatican.

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — In an emotional ceremony filled with tears and applause, a 70-year-old Kentucky woman was ordained a priest on Saturday as part of a dissident group operating outside of official Roman Catholic Church authority.

Rosemarie Smead is one of about 150 women around the world who have decided not to wait for the Roman Catholic Church to lift its ban on women priests, but to be ordained and start their own congregations.

In an interview before the ceremony, Smead said she is not worried about being excommunicated from the Church — the fate of other women ordained outside of Vatican law.

“It has no sting for me,” said Smead, a petite, gray-haired former Carmelite nun with a ready hug for strangers. “It is a Medieval bullying stick the bishops used to keep control over people and to keep the voices of women silent. I am way beyond letting octogenarian men tell us how to live our lives.”

Related: Pope stresses women’s ‘fundamental’ importance to the church

Fuck Allah and Islamic Terrorists

I could care less if this post offends anyone. I am sick of these Islamic Terrorists. They are cowards. They kill old people, women and babies. They worship a false god. Jews are God’s chosen so get over it. With all the bad luck lately, maybe it’s time to find a new hobby or find Jesus.

One loser dead! LOL he was killed by the worst president in USA history! I guess Allah didn’t bless him!

This coward hid behind a woman while being killed by US forces, lol!!!!!!!!!!

No heaven for these cowards. Hopefully the one lives. His ass will no longer be a virgin in jail!!!!!!!!!!

One loser down, one more to go – Get Em’ Boston!

Tamerlan Tsarnaev is dead. LOL. Too funny. The coward is probably shocked there’s no 32 virgins waiting for him. Instead, Hitler and Stalin are taking turns poking him in his ass! One coward dead. One more coward to go…………..!

Where should the jokes begin???????

1. Damn, is that your nose or John Holmes’ cock? (get it, huge ass nose)

2. You look like Pete Sampras with Down Syndrome

3. Sorry there’s no 32 virgins. You died a virgin, lol.