Real Life Zombie outbreak??

The Zombie Apocalypse is Real, and it’s already started


This isn’t a science fiction movie; It’s reality.

Our society has degraded so far down into the gutter that today’s youth will do anything to escape from reality, including taking drugs that are literally turning them into walking zombies. It’s really a sad state of affairs, but it should serve as a wake up call to those who are still in denial as to where our society is heading – The Zombie Apocalypse.

I know that’s ridiculous right? Wrong!

Real ZombiesNow I’m not talking about the Walking Dead here. I’m talking about real-life zombies who are so whacked out on drugs, television, our sick society, and countless other degenerating factors, that they have morphed into mindless soulless beasts that no longer care about their fellow human beings.

Think I’m exaggerating? Have you taken a good look at society lately? People are willing to literally kill each other over an iPhone. Forget the mindless idiots who sit in line for ten hours when the stupid phone hits the market – because heaven for bid they be caught walking around with a phone that’s more than 6 months old – no people are actually killing each other over iPhones.

But it’s not just iPhones; it’s our whole sick society. We have a culture that’s become obsessed with anything immoral and everything violent.

If you think the Zombie Apocalypse is just science fiction, take a look at what’s happening on the streets of Chicago. In my opinion, Chicago is a thousand times worse than a Zombie movie, and it could be a good look at what our future has instore for us all.

Last year alone, over 500 people where mercilessly gunned down in the streets of Chicago. Many of these people were killed simply for walking over some imaginary line in Chicago’s notorious gang filled neighborhoods.

While some would like to pass these incidents of as anomalies, or something that only affects urban areas, the problem is much more than an inner city problem.

This culture of violence has invaded every aspect of our lives. These aren’t poor urban kids in some neighborhood that you’ll never have to walk through, these are people of every race, and from every corner of America. Watch the first five minutes of your local news tonight and then tell me I’m wrong.

The Zombie Apocalypse is Here, and it’s only going to get Worse.

In my opinion, our society is just one disaster away from total collapse. Take a look at disasters like Hurricane Sandy or Katrina, and then imagine what would happen if our country were to face a similar, but prolonged nationwide disaster.

It’s not the Walking Dead who you’re going to have to worry about.

  • It’s the over half of all American who rely on prescription drugs to function that will be going through massive withdrawals once they can’t obtain their medications.
  • It’s your neighbors who will be killing each other for food and water.
  • It’s the over 50% of American who depend on Government assistance to live.
  • It’s the unprepared masses who are so reliant on modern technology who admit they wouldn’t last over 2 weeks without electricity.
  • It’s the average American Citizen who has forgotten the skills they need to survive without running to the local Walmart.

Did you know the average American spends more than 40 hours a week watching T.V.? That’s more time than someone spends working at a full-time job! According to a study commissioned by Nokia, the average cell phone user checks their phone at least 150 times a day, or approximately once every 6 minutes.

But it’s even worse when you take a look at the next generation, who spends more than 71/2 hours a day consuming digital media. Is it any wonder why society is devolving into a bunch of zombies? We have a world full of people who have literally checked out of reality.

If the Mayans are correct – we all die today

Will Jesus come?

Will a meteorite hit the earth?

Will giant storms destroy earth?

Will a nuclear war begin?

Will global warming finally kill us all?

Will the zombie apocalypse take place?

Let’s all stay calm. I will see you all December 22nd. Nothing will happen. This is the 78th time the world was supposed to end during my lifetime.


EAS Test – made me almost grab my gun just now

Normally the EAS Tests come on during the day, like noon time. For those that don’t know, these tests alert us about bad storms or something like a chemical spill. Here I am at 1:25 AM in the morning working on this site and reading comments from fans. The damn test blares across the TV screen that I’m paying no attention to. I thought for sure that the zombie take over had finally begun. I was ready for action. Instead, just a damn test. Maybe next time. Maybe next time.

2012 Highlands Taproom Halloween Costume Contest – Stephen Hawking “steals” the show

You come up with a great idea for Halloween (Gilligan’s Island). Then………………………………………………………………..

Stephen Hawking shows up and steals the show……. I hope you never walk again, damn Atheist!