Masons are out to Destroy us!

When not following two pickers or a Pawn Shop around, the History Channel has taught me one thing. The Masons control America and their shadow group, “The Illuminati” is out to destroy mankind. The Masons are the Royal Family of England and every President besides a select few have been Masons.


Go to YouTube and there’s as many videos “educating” us on this as they are of hot girls in thongs. Masons seek to murder 90% of the world’s population. They control all the wealth. They have created false flags such as 9/11, Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon Bombings. Don’t believe me? Visit YouTube and search Masons. You could spend weeks watching all the videos on there about them.


Listen, nobody is more anti-government than I am. I don’t trust politicians. I’m a “Democrat” and I dislike them as much as I do Republicans. I consider myself neither “left-wing” nor “right-wing.” I am neither a conservative nor a liberal. I’m simply someone that uses common sense, my own train of thought and judgment to make decisions.


I think Masons are nothing more than a dying breed. Social groups in America are in a major decline. My dad had uncles that were Masons. These men weren’t wealthy nor did they know the secrets of “the government.” If they did, I am pissed they didn’t leave me millions! Where do I sign up at?


Major Decline – Most data online reports that only around 2 million Americans are Masons. World Wide numbers claim over 5 million. There were more Masons in America during the 1800’s than there are now. Difference? There are over 350 million people in America and only around 50 million in the 1800’s. Less and less people are in “social organizations” today.


Who are currently Masons – Conspiracy believers claim “rich, elite and powerful men” are Masons. Sure, back in the old days that was true. Even rich and powerful men were once members of the KKK. Most Masons I see today are old white guys that have been Masons for 50-60 years. Very few of these men are rich.

(Here’s the average group of Masons today. These people control us all when not watching “The Price is Right”.)


Masons want to destroy mankind – If that’s true, why don’t they just do it? If these people have been so powerful since day one, why haven’t they murdered us yet? If Masons only wanted a small population to enslave, why did they let the world grow to 7 billion people? Wouldn’t it have been easier to kill us when we were a smaller population?

I think my point is simple. The Masons were a once popular group that important Americans use to belong to. Now they are just a bunch of old guys hanging out on a Friday night playing bingo. I’m sorry, I see no evidence they are out to destroy mankind.


Partying at Louisville’s Strange Brew HQ

   This is why you should never drink heavy….. Irish Whiskey, Scotch, beer, moonshine, beer and a few other things…………………………………..

Who is most drunk? A clue…. he writes for the website!

Victoria’s Secret – their ads vs reality

When you watch TV, this is the babe you see in Victoria’s Secret lingerie.

However, when you enter a Victoria’s Secret store, this is the type of girl you see in there shopping.

She is the girl you see in their ads.

Yet this is the girl you see in public wearing short skirts showing off her panties.

You would like to see her naked, but seeing her in Victoria’s Secret clothes would work.

Sadly, you have a better chance seeing her naked than the hot chick.

Elizabeth M. Hanes – repeat criminal walks again

slut (thank God her mouth isn’t open – rotted and missing teeth!)

Once again our horrible court system has failed. A repeat criminal once again has walked. Great job Jefferson County, Kentucky courts of failing the people of the Commonwealth. A repeat drug addict, drunk and thief walked away once again from numerous crimes. As a taxpayer this pisses me off. This bitch should have been behind bars.

I’ve already talked about this bitch on this site. I won’t waste my time again talking about her crimes over and over. You can read the back stories here and here. You can also see how her work was looked into for prescription fraud also – here. I am just pissed that a worthless person can commit numerous crimes and nothing happens. Could a black kid caught with some crack get away with this? More than likely, no.

Since the court system has failed us, I will sum of Elizabeth “Liz” Hanes for you. She is a pathological liar, thief, drunk, drug addict, user, snitch, bitch and loser. Anyone that abuses heroin is a moron. Her rotted teeth make me wanna puke. The nasty spider veins on her legs due to heroin needles could kill anyone’s boner. She is beyond worthless. A pile of dog shit is better than her.

I could care less if this sounds harsh. The loser has no respect for the law, other people or the well-being of others. The website shows the fact she has no issue in breaking the law over and over. Look at the charges there. They are all drug related charges. If she has been caught twice, no telling how many times she hasn’t. She needs jail time. End of debate.

Think about this. Could you and I get pulled over twice with drugs and avoid jail time? Could we wreck three cars in the past five years, twice (more than likely all three times) while drunk and avoid jail time? Could we hide heroin from the cops and avoid jail time? Of course not. A judge would have thrown the books at us. Elizabeth M. Hanes has walked away from all the crimes named above along with a DUI and fleeing the scene of a crime. Tell me why this cunt is not in jail?

I could say more, but why bother? Our court system is a mess. The rich can do whatever. White snitches can walk. The poor and minority races suffer. That is the American way. Ask Liz Hanes. She has committed numerous crimes with no punishment. Ask a 16 year-old black youth who got 25 for a gram of crack. That is the (UN) American way – injustice.

Irish History #10

Full story here

Gaelic Football is a field game which has developed as a distinct game similar to the progression of Australian Rules. Gaelic Football is played on a pitch up to 145m long and 90m wide. The goalposts are the same shape as on a rugby pitch, with the crossbar lower than a rugby one and slightly higher than a soccer one.

The ball used in Gaelic Football is round, slightly smaller than a soccer ball. It can be carried in the hand for a distance of four steps and can be kicked or “hand-passed”, a striking motion with the hand or fist. After every four steps the ball must be either bounced or “solo-ed”, an action of dropping the ball onto the foot and kicking it back into the hand. You may not bounce the ball twice in a row. To score, you put the ball over the crossbar by foot or hand / fist for one point or under the crossbar and into the net by foot or the hand / fist in certain circumstances for a goal, the latter being the equivalent of three points. Each team consists of 15 players, lining out as per the diagram.

Officials for a game comprise of a referee, two linesmen (to indicate when the ball leaves the field of play at the side and to mark ’45’ free kicks and four umpires (to signal scores, assist the referee in controlling the games, and to assist linesmen in positioning ’45’ frees).

A goal is signalled by raising a green flag, placed to the left of the goal. A point is signalled by raising a white flag, placed to the right of goal. A ’45’ is signalled by the umpire raising his/her outside arm. A ‘square ball’, when a player scores having arrived in the ‘square’ prior to receiving the ball, is signalled by pointing at the small parallelogram.

Kentucky Moonshine – Yes sir!

Fans and people who read the site always ask, “Why are you called Bourbon?” Most think it’s because I’m a proud Irish-American that loves Bourbon. That is not why I go by “Bourbon” on the site. People who know me well, know I prefer Irish Whiskey over Kentucky Bourbon. I do enjoy a nice Bourbon but I love Irish Whiskey over Bourbon. My friend Keith made a joke on how to create a porn star’s name. Use your first pet’s name and the street you first lived on. Yes, my first dog was a Beagle named “Bourbon”. Hence, the name “Bourbon Stilz”. You figure it out.

That is real Kentucky Moonshine. I do love a nice drink. When it comes to beer, it depends on the beer. I love European and Micro-brews. Mainstream American beers suck. Irish Whiskey, awesome. Bourbon, damn good. American Whiskey, lol sucks. Moonshine when made right, so good. Burns, yes. Taste better than a good pussy, yes. This is not the best moonshine I’ve ever had, but damn good. On a scale 1-10, I give it a 8.0

This stuff is lethal. Yet the sweet taste is worth every burn. Everyone at least once should try some Kentucky Moonshine. The stuff is so good.   Don’t ask where I got this from. I have my connections.