People we all know


Black guy that pretends to be white –

Instead of talking normal, he tries way too hard to blend in with white people. He loves Martha Stewart, listens to Pearl Jam and Nirvana and follows the NHL.

Puerto Rican girl with ghetto ass –

No complaining here. Just someone we all know!

Old paranoid Jewish guy

He hates every gentile, especially those with “German” sounding last names.

The hot mom that hits on her daughter’s boyfriend –

She will grab her daughter’s boyfriend right by the crotch even with her daughter in the room.


Girl Scouts are commies; Boy Scouts are homophobic

(this is exactly what Stalin wanted, everyone looking the same)

Bob Morris had common sense. He knew the facts about the left-wing, pro-abortion baby killing commies! Sucks those damn cookies are so delicious!

(then you have the right-wing, gay bashing Boy Scouts or should I say, modern-day “Hitler Youth”?)

Sad that in the year 2012 gay people are seen as odd-ball, abnormal people. Can we please move on?