Glenn Miller – stupid racist kills two-non Jews

Rot in hell, Miller


Full story here

Overland Park police said Frazier Glenn Miller is the founder and former leader of the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and the White Patriot Party.

Both organizations operated as paramilitary groups in the 1980s, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors hate groups.

Video from CNN affiliate KMBC showed the suspect sitting in the back of a patrol car and shouting, “Heil Hitler” after the shootings.

Miller, 73, who also goes by Frazier Glenn Cross, faces charges of premeditated first-degree murder. He is expected to appear in court Monday.

If the suspected shooter is charged with a hate crime and convicted, under federal law, the death penalty could be on the table. That would apply if the charge is that the defendant was motivated by the victims’ “race, color, religion or national origin.”

The shootings took place at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City in Overland Park and at the Village Shalom Retirement Community in Leawood — a day before the start of Passover, the major Jewish spring festival.

“The timing is terrible. The timing is awful,” said Rabbi Herbert Mandl, a chaplain for the Overland Park police.

In all, the gunman shot at five people, none of whom he’s believed to have known, said Overland Park Police Chief John Douglass.

Three people died; the other two were not injured.

Authorities arrested the suspect at a nearby elementary school.

Police were investigating statements the man made after his arrest but declined to provide additional details, Douglass said.

The Anti-Defamation League said it warned last week of the increased possibility of violent attacks against community centers in the coming weeks, “which coincide both with the Passover holiday and Hitler’s birthday on April 20, a day around which in the United States has historically been marked by extremist acts of violence and terrorism.”

On Monday, the ADL reissued a security bulletin to synagogues and Jewish communal institutions across the country, urging them to review their security plans for the Passover holiday, which begins at sundown Monday.

‘This has left us all breathless’

The shooting began just after 1 p.m. Sunday in the Jewish community center’s parking lot.

Inside, the center was a hive of activity. A performance of “To Kill a Mockingbird” was about to begin, and auditions were under way for “KC Superstar,” an “American Idol”-style contest for the best high school singer in the Kansas City area.

Outside, the gunman opened fire. Police said he was armed with a shotgun and may have been carrying other weapons.

Reat Griffin Underwood, 14, was coming to audition for the singing competition. His grandfather, William Lewis Corporon, was driving him. The bullets struck them in their car. Both died.

Corporon was a doctor who practiced family medicine in Oklahoma for many years before moving to Kansas City to be closer to his grandchildren.

“He cherished his family,” the family said in a statement.

Reat was a high school freshman who was active in debate, theater and had “a beautiful voice,” his family said.

One loser down, one more to go – Get Em’ Boston!

Tamerlan Tsarnaev is dead. LOL. Too funny. The coward is probably shocked there’s no 32 virgins waiting for him. Instead, Hitler and Stalin are taking turns poking him in his ass! One coward dead. One more coward to go…………..!

Where should the jokes begin???????

1. Damn, is that your nose or John Holmes’ cock? (get it, huge ass nose)

2. You look like Pete Sampras with Down Syndrome

3. Sorry there’s no 32 virgins. You died a virgin, lol.

People we all know


Black guy that pretends to be white –

Instead of talking normal, he tries way too hard to blend in with white people. He loves Martha Stewart, listens to Pearl Jam and Nirvana and follows the NHL.

Puerto Rican girl with ghetto ass –

No complaining here. Just someone we all know!

Old paranoid Jewish guy

He hates every gentile, especially those with “German” sounding last names.

The hot mom that hits on her daughter’s boyfriend –

She will grab her daughter’s boyfriend right by the crotch even with her daughter in the room.


Nice blog #24 – Jewish People

Without Jews, billions of us would not know Jesus. Jews wrote the entire Bible (besides the Gospel of Luke/Acts; both written by Luke, a gentile). Thousands of Jews were killed in the name of God. These Jews sacrificed their lives so all of mankind could know God. Jesus Himself was Jewish. He is what all Christians, Catholics and Messianic people like myself follow. My diet is based on Jewish Law (The Torah). I am thankful for the Jewish people and all they have given mankind. I wish more people understood the importance of the Jewish people. If they did, maybe the world would be a better place.

Frankfort Neo-Nazi rally flops

50 inbred losers showed up only to be outnumbered by 200 anti-protesters.

Full Story here

One of the largest Neo-Nazi groups in the country rallied in Frankfort Saturday to celebrate Hitler’s birthday and to talk about their beliefs. Protestors joined them, unhappy with the message of the Socialist movement.

The National Socialist Movement held their annual rally outside the capitol building. They were joined by the KKK on the steps of the building Saturday afternoon.

The group though, was outnumbered by more than a hundred protestors who stood off to the side, carrying signs and chanting. There was also a very large police presence, because in years past the group’s annual rally has led to violence in places like New Jersey and California.

Saturday’s rally, however, was violence free, aside from lots of yelling back and forth between the two groups. The National Socialist Movement talked for a little more than an hour about white civil rights and illegal immigration, saluting Hitler after each speaker and chanting ‘white power.’

Meanwhile, the crowd screamed for the Neo-Nazi group to go home. Insults were exchanged between the two parties. People in the crowd say they were disgusted, while the Neo-Nazi group maintained ‘they are not racist.’

The Stereotype game

When not hiding from Godzilla, the Asians take pictures of everything!

Not only do they not shower, the French are hairy.

When not picking fruit, the Mexicans ride horses.

While not in Temple, the Jews own all our money, banks and newspapers.