Here Comes Honey Boo Boo

I believe this is the worst show in the history of television. When did being overweight pieces of white trash become cool? Apparently I missed the memo when purposely living off of welfare is considered cool. The people on this show should all be sterilize. I am all for dangerous medical experiments being conducted on this family.

This is the “triple chins” of TV. She has four kids by four different men and lives off of welfare. A heart attack is needed ASAP.

This kid wants to be a model? Don’t you have to be good looking to become a model?

Six people seen above –

Total IQ – 210

Total Weight – 1598 pounds

Total Jobs – 0

People living off of welfare – 6

Smartest person in the picture – The pig



American Pickers are gay

Story found here

HOLLYWOOD-Mike Wolfe and Frank Fritz, stars of the History Channel’s American Pickers television show, have raised eyebrows in the past with their a-little-too-close relationship and outright disdain for stunning co-star Danielle Colby Cushman. On Monday, the pair “came out of the closet,” in the hopes that fans would understand their choice of sexuality.

Mostly, the Pickers have not been disappointed. Fans have started a campaign on Twitter under the hashtag #SupportPickers, and many members of the LBGQT activist movement have issued statements of support.

Cushman, who is often taunted and belittled by the Pickers despite her staggering beauty and quick wit, said “I knew it all along, but never said anything because of their miserably fragile egos. I guess they’re stronger than I thought!”

Fritz, the submissive “bear” and megapowerbottom of the couple, has mostly “retreated into his oil can collection,” as rumors of a negative and unsupportive family have spread widely across the Internet. Wolfe, however, seems upbeat and optimistic, just like he always does on TV. Wolfe said, “We’re going to keep on picking, but if you hear a little more lisp when we’re trying to haggle with gays, you’ll know that we aren’t actually just pandering for better prices.”

Houses of the Holy (Led Zeppelin – 1973)

The Song Remains the Same – Different year, the same old bullshit. Obama, our president, already lied and raised taxes on the working man. Anti-gun people are still crying about the Sandy Hook shooting even though a criminal and not a legal gun owner committed the crime. Every slut I know is still a slut. One loser I know is still a criminal and due in court again in 2013.

Over the Hills and Far Away – How I wish I had a pocket full of gold. This past weekend I did a lot of daydreaming. I thought about certain things I did wrong in life. Nothing I can do now but it makes you think. Thought of my ex Ashley who I’ve not seen in years. I came across a CD she had made me and thought of her all day Sunday.

Dancing Days – They say white people can’t dance. Personally, I hate dancing. Don’t let that fool you. I can bust a move or two. I don’t dance to that shitty hip hop or techno shit. On my birthday my friend Stephanie was making me dance. We tore that dance floor up.

The Ocean – I was watching the History Channel a few days ago. They were showing natural disasters. Most were hurricanes, tidal wives and tsunamis. I kept thinking to myself, maybe living on the beach near the ocean isn’t so cool after all. I rather live where I do, hundreds of miles from the ocean. Just saying.

Where did the name “Strange Brew” come from?

I have gotten probably 100 emails asking why our site is called Louisville’s Strange Brew. That is the most asked question I get from fans (and enemies). The name is actually something I came up with some 15 years ago. There is nothing special about the name.  I’m a nerd and I picked the name in the nerdiest way possible.

In 1998, some friends and I created “Strange Brew”, a local public access show which ran for two years. The show was known for its vulgar language, pranks and stoner humor. The cast included guys named Steven Crawford, James Sayre and David Hanes (yes, my ex Liz’s brother) along with me as the main cast. The show was some of the most fun I’ve ever had in my life.  It sucks that I have lost or damaged all the tapes I owned. I contacted David a few months back to see if he had any tapes, but he would not answer me due to the lies from his sister.

(no, the name was not taken from 80’s cult classic, “Strange Brew”)

Months before we started our show, we recorded hours’ worth of skits. We didn’t go public sooner because we couldn’t agree on a name. One day while in my room I was looking through Cd’s and came across one my brother-in-law Bill had gotten me. It was a greatest hits album by Cream called “Strange Brew”. I told the guys “Let’s call the show Strange Brew,” and oddly they agreed. A few weeks later Strange Brew aired on channel 98 and the IQ of Louisville went down about 5%.

Last year I decided to create a horrible local website. Once again I could not think of a name that I liked. I finally picked Louisville’s Strange Brew. I didn’t want to simply call it “Strange Brew” out of respect of the former cast. That was our show. This is my website so I wanted something somewhat different. Louisville’s Strange Brew is now over a year old and doing well. I have stuck to my roots and haven’t sold out.

(we have nothing to do with Strange Brew Beer, located in Louisville)

See, nothing special about how I came up with the title. It was from my teen years. That was a fun period of my life. I am too old to dodge Roman Candles, be thrown off of cars that David is driving or stealing giant balloon Easter Bunnies. I’d rather sit safely behind my computer and write horrible, vulgar and childish things. Safer for my health and not as dumb as the TV show. Strange Brew has been some of the best times I’ve ever had in my life. I hope my website for those who read it is half that enjoyable.

(this is where I stole the name, “Strange Brew” from)