Fuck Obama; Fuck Romney

I hate politics. Neither side gives a shit about the American people. The right-wing sucks. The left-wing sucks. I am not fan of Romney’s. Obama is no better. He is full of shit just like ole’ Mitt. Last month, mysterious, unemployment finally hit under 8%. Shocking isn’t it? Gas prices have also went down by about 40 cents per gallon. I actually can’t recall the last time I saw gas in the $3.20 range. Also shocking.

This proves that Obama and his fellow Democrats has been ass fucking us Americans for quite some time. Isn’t it amazing that come election time, everything seems to get better? Don’t think this is an anti-Obama attack. If this was George W. Bush, the same would have taken place. My point is simple. But parties – Republican or Democrat both fuck the American people daily without a care in the world.


All year I paid between $3.45 and $3.85 in my area. Now all of a sudden gas is $3.25…… Odd, huh?

I don’t like a thing about Romney. He’s silver spoon born spoiled brat. Yet, what changed has Obama really brought to America? Oil companies are making record profits. Food costs are at all-time highs. College tuition has sky-rocketed all across the USA during his term. Yet, he and his backers claim he cares about the “working” and “common” man. The only change he has brought is the fact that now a black man is ass fucking the American people instead of a white man. What a change!

Change – True, a black man finally had a chance to fuck the American people the way whitey has for quite some time!!


Kentucky to expand Gambling – Yet Strippers can’t be nude

Full story here

(AP)  FRANKFORT, Ky. — Gov. Steve Beshear presented a plan Tuesday to amend Kentucky’s Constitution to allow up to seven casinos to open in the state, most of them at horse tracks.The proposal generated instant opposition in the Bible-belt state where betting on horse races is a long-held tradition but where casinos have been unwelcome.

For years, proposals to expand gambling opportunities have been debated in Kentucky, but have never been able to get through the House and Senate.

“We believe that we have fashioned something that could and should and hopefully will pass both chambers,” the Democratic governor said Tuesday.

Republican Sen. Damon Thayer of Georgetown will sponsor legislation that would begin the process of amending the Constitution. If approved by lawmakers, the proposal would be placed on the ballot in November to be ratified or rejected by voters.

“The issue of expanded gambling, after nearly two decades of debate, has reached a tipping point,” Beshear said. “Recently, the people of this state were polled by two separate organizations, including the state Republican Party. Both surveys found that more than 80 percent of the people of this state, regardless of whether they support expanded gambling or are against it, want the right to vote on it. The question is simple: Do we as leaders listen to our people or do we ignore them?”

Despite the long history of wagering on horses, Kentucky’s constitution frowns on casino-style gambling. And many Kentucky lawmakers have been reluctant to vote to change it, knowing they may face un-approving constituents in upcoming legislative elections.

To get through the General Assembly, the proposal has to be approved by a supermajority of lawmakers. That means 23 of the state’s 38 senators and 60 of the 100 representatives must vote in favor.

Beshear said Kentuckians now are wagering hundreds of millions of dollars in casinos in neighboring states.

And strippers can’t be nude? Instead, let people lose their life-savings?
Is Skylar really hurting anybody? She’s not asking you to blow your life-savings. She’s in law school working on that Masters. Here’s my two cents – Put the gambling in the strip clubs and bring back full nudity. This is America!

I think I’ll vote for the black guy

Nothing to do with race/racism, but really, this is all whitey has to offer –

Rick Santorum – Who the fuck are you? Exactly.

Ron Paul – Maybe 25 years ago I would have voted for you. And you named your son “Rand”. What the hell is Rand?

Newt Gingrich – Let’s see, you hate poor people, less educated people, people of color (non-white), gays, women, children and more than likely, puppies. Thanks, but no thanks.

Mitt Romney – Israel was not in Missouri let’s time I checked a map, just saying.

The day Louisville banned strip clubs

Five years ago a friend of mine got married. That was the last time I was in a strip club. Sure, I had fun, what straight man wouldn’t?  I was completely surrounded by naked women, most of them decent looking. Strip clubs serve a purpose, I guess. They are good for bachelor parties, loneliness and a night out with the guys. Not really my cup of tea, but hey, this is America, land of the free.

When Louisville passed a law banning nudity at strip clubs, I laughed. Our city won’t do a thing about oil companies jacking gas prices, but they will ban some tits from being displayed in a private business. The only people offended by tits are zealous religious freaks, feminists and losers with no life. It’s not like kids were being exposed to the nudity. Besides, Jesus liked whores, he preached to them. Not even sure why the religious nuts even cared.

Stripping is a job. Who cares if a woman shows her body to earn cash? If you don’t like strippers, don’t visit strip clubs. Like I said, I’m not a big fan. That’s why I don’t go. I could care less about the man next door. If he likes sticking dollar bills in G-strings, good for him, just don’t bring the herpes over to my place. It’s none of my business who is a stripper or who enjoys visiting strip clubs.

Why ban stripping? Everyone knows that these women are doing this to pay for college. All strippers are studying to be doctors, lawyers and veterinarians. Banning nudity at strip clubs will destroy the medical field in the long run. Who is going to defend you in court when we have a shortage in lawyers? How will boys turning 18 finally experience manhood without nude women? I thought I lived in America, not communist China!

Stripping is part of American culture. Hell, I enjoy my wife doing a little strip tease for me. Who cares if “Joe Blow” down the street likes them from Bambi the stripper? If I wanted women to always cover up I would move to a Muslim country. America is the land of thighs, ass and nice tits. Most of Western Europe and Asia is ahead of us in education. The way things are going they may be ahead of us in nude strip clubs. This is not the America my dad grew up in. Nothing is better than an American woman naked! So who cares if she does it swinging from the pole?

Occupy Protesters are losers

I am sick of these “Occupy” fuckers. Get a life. Get a job. Stop bitching about the success of others. Stop shitting, littering and bugging those who do work. The man is not keeping you down. You are not the “Civil Rights Movement” of our generation. You are a bunch of lazy, lack of motivation losers who want something for nothing.

Listen, I do agree that there are companies that treat workers unfairly. These companies need to be looked into and fined. But the Occupy protesters believe that the “wealthy” should share their wealth. Why? Nobody owes anyone a damn thing. Again, I’m not saying there’s not a problem in this country. If a company lays off 200 people to “save money” and the CEO then gives himself a $5 million dollar raise, then yes, that company is doing wrong and should be punished. That is pure greed and the wrong thing to do.

I don’t believe anyone wealthy should be forced to share their wealth. These Occupy losers don’t seem to understand that the more you make, the more you pay in taxes. Kobe Bryant probably pays 135 times what I do in taxes. Many rich companies donate millions to scholarships, food drives, medical aid for those in need, homes, schools and many other helpful charities. What have the Occupy people given to society? How many schools have they funded? How many children have they helped feed? How many hospital wings have they built? My guess is none.

They claim they are going to take America back. If they are so patriotic, why not join the military?  The military offers free health care, money for college and many other free things most Americans dream of. Of course there’s a reason that most of these losers are jobless. They have no motivation to better themselves or our country. It’s no shock they talk patriotic, yet have no desire in serving their country so they could earn a paycheck.

People who are wealthy do many great things. They put more money in the economy than the poor, middle and upper class people do. Rich companies create thousands of jobs for people. They invest money in projects which help cities improve such as bridges, parades and amusement parks. What do the Occupy people do? They bitch and moan. Yet they camp out and use parks that tax paying people pay for.

An Occupy loser a few weeks ago made the comment that a Kindergarten teacher makes more than me. Okay, and? Most states require teachers to have Master Degrees. People who work that hard in school deserve a good paycheck. The Occupy people don’t comprehend this concept. Hard work normally pays off. These people want the best job, best pay and best way of life without working for it. Sorry, life doesn’t work that way.

I wish these idiots would not compare themselves to the Civil Rights Movement. Blacks during this era were treated as second class people, if even that. They struggled with equal rights such as voting rights. No Occupy person has been denied the right to vote or been forced to ride in the back of a bus based on who they are. The Occupy people don’t face lynch mobs. So shut up and stop quoting Martin Luther King. You are not a victim.

People in America used to have pride in hard work. Americans worked hard and ended the Great Depression. They fought and defeated the Nazis and Japan during WWII. Now we are a nation of crybabies, fat people who sue because they eat too much and people who won’t work but expect those who do to share their wealth with them. I am ashamed of my generation. And this new generation, yikes. What a joke. I am not sure if there is hope for this country. Have you seen the average Occupy person? How did we go from the WWII generation to these losers?

Nothing is free in this country. Freedom wasn’t free. Millions died for it. If you aren’t willing to work for anything, you don’t deserve anything. I don’t owe a person anything. The wealthy don’t owe me or you a thing. Get a life and please find a job.