Nice blog #27 – be polite

Say thanks

Let someone over while in traffic

Hold a door open for someone (mainly for a woman)

Tip your waiter

Smile or say hello when passing someone in public

Tell people nice things

Damn, is it hard to be nice and polite these days? Smiling won’t kill you. If it did, I would have been dead years ago.

More of my birthday presents

Photo: Kinda a gag gift, Strange Brew is not what I named my website after. I named it after a Cream's greatest hits album. BTW john Martin, take the price tag off, lol.
Before I ran Louisville Strange Brew, some friends and me ran a local TV show known as “Strange Brew” some 14 years ago. Our show nor this site is named after this movie. This is a gag gift. Our show’s name was my idea. I named it after a Cream greatest hits album called “Strange Brew”. BTW, this is a very underrated cult movie from the 1980’s.
Photo: Thanks Shannon, Keith and John. Two more bottles of whiskey for me to drink. Am I proud of my Irish heritage or what?
Shannon and Keith got me a bottle of Bushmills’ 10 year. John got me a bottle of Jameson. Three bottles of Irish whiskey for Christmas. And yes, I am currently drinking the 10 year as we speak.
Photo: This may be my favorite present of all. My niece Michaela and nephew Matthew custom made this blanket for me.
My niece Michaela and my nephew Matthew custom-made this for me. This is probably my favorite gift of all.

Nice blog #24 – Jewish People

Without Jews, billions of us would not know Jesus. Jews wrote the entire Bible (besides the Gospel of Luke/Acts; both written by Luke, a gentile). Thousands of Jews were killed in the name of God. These Jews sacrificed their lives so all of mankind could know God. Jesus Himself was Jewish. He is what all Christians, Catholics and Messianic people like myself follow. My diet is based on Jewish Law (The Torah). I am thankful for the Jewish people and all they have given mankind. I wish more people understood the importance of the Jewish people. If they did, maybe the world would be a better place.

Nice blog #16 – children

Children are the most innocent beings on earth. Simple things make them happy. A hug can make their whole day. A candy bar can make them smile. Children don’t worry about the stress from work, a relationship or paying bills. They talk to make believe friends and are easily upset if the believe Santa Claus isn’t bringing them gifts. It sucks that we as adults lose that innocence.

As I stated in my “Guns are Good” article, how people can harm children is beyond me. People who abuse, beat or molest kids should be thrown into the smallest jail cell. There they should be locked away for 24 hours a day eating the worst food known to mankind. They should never be allowed to watch TV, listen to music or know anything about the outside world. People who harm children in any way are the worst scum on earth.

I hope after what happened at Sandy Hook has changed some parents and how they care for their children. Stop watching the NFL game for 5 seconds and hug your kid one extra time. Instead of sleep, read them one more bedtime story. Forget dropping your kids off with grandparents for “alone” time with your spouse. Spend the entire day as a family. I know I will tell my nieces and nephews I love them more than ever, even though they are older and aren’t into that so much these days. With today’s society, it could be the last time I get to.

Nice blog #12 – Brett

We all have friends we can trust. Some friends are like family. I was the youngest of four and the only male of the family. I grew up being brainwashed by women. It did pay off in some ways. I’ve always been good at being romantic, caring and giving. It would have been cool I guess to have a brother. Only problem is he would have been older and probably would have been a dick toward me. I guess having three older sisters was a good thing.

One of my best and most trusted friends is named Brett. His older brother is also one of my best friends (and more than likely the anti-Christ). Their entire family is good people. Both of their parents are easy going and kind. Their younger brother is also a good guy. I guess it runs in the family that you have to be a good person. I’ve yet to meet one person from that family I disliked.

I’ve known Brett since I was around 16. I knew his older brother for at least two years before I knew Brett. Like John, it was easy to like Brett. He was soft spoken, shy and even-tempered. He never bad mouths people and is angry very rarely. He’s very giving and does anything to be there for the people he cares for. Even though he is the younger brother of John, it’s Brett that looks out for John.

When I was 22, I moved in with the two brothers. We had a nice little house near Phoenix Hill. I can recall being drunk a few times. Since Brett wasn’t old enough to drink, he was always the driver. He saved me on a few occasions. That is still a trend today. I would not be alive if it wasn’t for Brett. Not only does he drive me home, he makes sure when I’ve had enough. He has turned me into to bartenders making them cut me off. It takes a real friend to do that.

I’ve had a lot of girlfriends (and bitches) come and go. Brett is still my friend. He has seen the best of me and the worst of me. He is still my friend. He has seen me argue with my parents and ex’s in person and is still my friend. He was my friend when I was 16, 25 and now. Brett is one of the most loyal and trustworthy people I’ve ever met. I’ve had a lot of other so-called friends come and go. He has remained my friend for nearly half my life.

Like I stated earlier, I was the only male in my family. If I did have a brother, I would have wanted him to be exactly like Brett. He is like a brother. Just like with his own big brother, he’s the responsible one with more common sense. I would have died in a car wreck drunk or arrested with a DUI if it wasn’t for Brett. He’s not only one of my best friends; he’s one of the greatest people anyone could ever meet. I hope people reading this have at least one person as great as he is in their lives.