John Oliver – great job hosting the Daily Show



John Oliver did one hell of a job while Jon Stewart was gone. At first I was very skeptical of Oliver taking over. He quickly won me over along with millions of other fans. His style of humor blended perfect with Daily Show.

Oliver is no Stewart. But after watching Oliver run the show, nobody could have done the show better. He was the best replacement Stewart could have chosen. Oliver made me a huge fan of his.

While it sucks Oliver last night was tonight, I am ready for the return of Stewart. Oliver had some great lines such as the “Union Jack” joke. His interviews were awesome. Thanks John for the laughs. Well played, sir.

James Holmes – left-wing gun haters “wet dream”

Due to one crazy, I’ve already seen the state of Colorado talk about changing gun laws. Why? Why should honest gun owners suffer due to one nut-case?

Guns don’t kill. Idiots kill people. My dad always owned guns. I own guns. Not once has one of my guns raped a woman by gunpoint, taken someone hostage, did a drive by, robbed someone or murdered someone.

Meet Charles A. Robbins. Some punk broke in his home. As an honest gun owner, he did what he had to do. He shot the punk dead. I would have done the same. Guns protect the innocent daily.

Cute, huh? Also very yummy in chilli and as a steak sandwich. Do we want hunters not to own guns?

If you don’t like guns, don’t own them. It’s that simple. Stop bitching to gun owners like myself of why they are bad. I don’t ask you to like them or to shoot them. Stop telling me what my rights are.

My alter-ego “T-Bone With A-1” along with my .38 special.