Rules for the Kentucky Derby

1. Drink Bourbon. No mixers! On the rocks or neat. Anything else is un-American and anti-Kentucky!

2. Women, dress like sluts. In Kentucky during the Derby, nobody judges you!

3.Buy a shitty hat. They are ugly but, again, nobody judges you during Derby time.

4. Gamble, gamble and gamble. Who cares about your child’s college fund or your retirement?


Recent “gang” problem in Louisville

I’m sick of the recent Louisville “gang” issue. There are basically two sides.


1 – white people blaming the black community


2 – black people blaming white people for being racist



Both sides are stupid. It’s the government’s fault. They care more about Derby time and wearing red to support U of L than solving these issues. When black and white people argue like this, the government which hates all people equally, wins. Race is not the issue.


I grew up in Crescent Hill. The area is more diverse than people think. A lot of African Immigrants lived within 2-3 blocks from my childhood home, due to the Southern Baptist Seminary being near. That also brought a lot of Asians to the area, people of Middle Eastern descent and just about every other ethnic group known to man.


While the Highlands are known for “gay men,” Crescent Hill was known for gay women. Crescent Hill is just like the Highlands. You will see interracial couples, gay couples and everything in between. My point is simple. These diverse people didn’t cause crime, trouble or a decrease in land value.


When it comes to the West End, white people assume blacks are to blame. Blacks then turn around and blame whites for being racist and not caring. Sadly, both sides are wrong. We have a local government that does nothing. How about the Mayor reaches out to these people instead of worrying about what famous people are coming to town for the Derby. Maybe spend less time building more dog parks for them to shit in. My dog will shit anywhere, just saying.


If blacks can do well in Crescent Hill, there’s no reason they can’t in the West End. If whites from Crescent Hill can accept black people as equal, why can’t all of Louisville? I grew up near every race known to man and never walked outside in fear. Reading comments from ignorant people on sites such as FaceBook is beyond pathetic.

Tiger Woods liked pussy – who fucking cares?

Mr. Hardcore Sports Talk

Remember a few years back when Tiger Woods was caught banging some high class whores? The sports media (and media) went nuts. Apparently Tiger liked pussy. I mean, not like he was already married to a hot super model wife. Wait, yeah he was. The obsession of this story was mind-boggling. It was like Tiger murdered his children or something.

(PGA Legend – 14 Majors and 34 cases of the clap.)

I barely paid attention to the story. I could care less that Tiger was having threesomes with hot white women. If anything, I was jealous. Men cheat on their wives daily. Do we hear about it? Of course not. Who fucking cares? Tiger’s love of good pussy doesn’t erase his 14 PGA Majors or millions he donated to charity.

Tiger was by far, not the first world class athlete to bang whores. Babe Ruth had numerous children by numerous…

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