One loser down, one more to go – Get Em’ Boston!

Tamerlan Tsarnaev is dead. LOL. Too funny. The coward is probably shocked there’s no 32 virgins waiting for him. Instead, Hitler and Stalin are taking turns poking him in his ass! One coward dead. One more coward to go…………..!

Where should the jokes begin???????

1. Damn, is that your nose or John Holmes’ cock? (get it, huge ass nose)

2. You look like Pete Sampras with Down Syndrome

3. Sorry there’s no 32 virgins. You died a virgin, lol.

Did Dakota Meyer actually save lives? Or is he a fraud?

Full story

Asked by a reporter from McClatchy newspapers about her organization’s investigation — which concluded that “crucial parts of the story of Meyer’s deeds that the Marine Corps publicized and Obama described to the nation are untrue, unsubstantiated or exaggerated” — the White House Thursday stood by the Medal of Honor recipient.

“The president was very proud to present the Medal of Honor to Sergeant Meyer for his extraordinary service in Afghanistan,” White House press secretary Jay Carney said. “As the president said that day, in Sergeant Dakota Meyer we see the best of a generation that has served through a decade of war.”

The McClatchy newspapers story stated that Meyer “didn’t save as many people, kill as many enemy fighters or lead the final push to retrieve his dead comrades, as the record says. Moreover, it’s unclear from the documents whether the 23-year-old Kentucky native disobeyed orders when he entered the Ganjgal Valley on Sept. 8, 2009, as the record says he did.”

Carney said that the White House is not concerned and not looking into the Medal of Honor narrative.

“The answer to your question is no,” he said. “Everyone, even the reporter who wrote yesterday’s article, agrees the Sergeant Meyer displayed extraordinary heroism. Indeed, a subsequent article within, I think, hours by that same reporter last night, makes it clear that Meyer’s comrades feel he deserves the Medal of Honor. President Obama was proud to present it on behalf of a grateful nation.”

The writer, the well-respected Jonathan Landay, did note that, “What’s most striking is that all this probably was unnecessary. Meyer, the 296th Marine to earn the medal, by all accounts deserved his nomination. At least seven witnesses attested to him performing heroic deeds “in the face of almost certain death.”

Carney said “I would refer you to the Marine Corps. And the process of vetting for Medal of Honor — proposed Medal of Honor recipients is, as I understand it, quite extensive and thorough. Obviously that’s done at the Department of Defense and by the branch of the military that’s affected here, in this case the Marine Corps. The president was very proud to present the Medal of Honor to Sergeant Meyer. He was that day and he remains proud today of his extraordinary service.”



Thanks to all fans from other countries

Been getting tons of hits from my favorite Nation outside of the USA, Ireland!

Been getting hits recently from Spain!

Iceland has been showing us love for months!

And even people from Iraq enjoy Louisville’s Strange Brew from time to time!