Girl Scouts are commies; Boy Scouts are homophobic

(this is exactly what Stalin wanted, everyone looking the same)

Bob Morris had common sense. He knew the facts about the left-wing, pro-abortion baby killing commies! Sucks those damn cookies are so delicious!

(then you have the right-wing, gay bashing Boy Scouts or should I say, modern-day “Hitler Youth”?)

Sad that in the year 2012 gay people are seen as odd-ball, abnormal people. Can we please move on?

Frankfort Neo-Nazi rally flops

50 inbred losers showed up only to be outnumbered by 200 anti-protesters.

Full Story here

One of the largest Neo-Nazi groups in the country rallied in Frankfort Saturday to celebrate Hitler’s birthday and to talk about their beliefs. Protestors joined them, unhappy with the message of the Socialist movement.

The National Socialist Movement held their annual rally outside the capitol building. They were joined by the KKK on the steps of the building Saturday afternoon.

The group though, was outnumbered by more than a hundred protestors who stood off to the side, carrying signs and chanting. There was also a very large police presence, because in years past the group’s annual rally has led to violence in places like New Jersey and California.

Saturday’s rally, however, was violence free, aside from lots of yelling back and forth between the two groups. The National Socialist Movement talked for a little more than an hour about white civil rights and illegal immigration, saluting Hitler after each speaker and chanting ‘white power.’

Meanwhile, the crowd screamed for the Neo-Nazi group to go home. Insults were exchanged between the two parties. People in the crowd say they were disgusted, while the Neo-Nazi group maintained ‘they are not racist.’