Girl Scouts are commies; Boy Scouts are homophobic

(this is exactly what Stalin wanted, everyone looking the same)

Bob Morris had common sense. He knew the facts about the left-wing, pro-abortion baby killing commies! Sucks those damn cookies are so delicious!

(then you have the right-wing, gay bashing Boy Scouts or should I say, modern-day “Hitler Youth”?)

Sad that in the year 2012 gay people are seen as odd-ball, abnormal people. Can we please move on?

LOL been looking over the keywords and…

I was looking over the recent keywords people use to find this site. Some new ones are popping up. Normally we see people searching “ugly women”, “louisville tattoos” and things we actually post about. It seems the haters are searching our site as of late. Here are some funny keywords from the past two days.

i hate louisville strange brew

what is woody long real name

louisville strange brew sucks

who runs louisville strange brew

Not once have I ever seen people use words like these to search our site. For new people, we sort of explain who “Woody Long” is. Please read here. As for the rest, we love you. Not really, but hey, we are happy you hate our site. Kinda sad you search it even though you hate it, lol.