Thank you to the men and women who serve this nation

America has its share of faults. We are from perfect. This nation still has the greatest freedoms in the world. Websites such as mine can exist. TV shows such as “Saturday Night Live” can poke fun at our politicians daily. People like Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert make a living poking fun at politics and our elected leaders. In some nations, these men would be arrested and possibly even murdered for this.

People in this nation can even burn our nation’s flag; refuse to sing the National Anthem and refuse to sing the Pledge of Allegiance. Our nation even allows people to join anti-American groups and hate groups. That is how great our freedom in this nation is. As long as you don’t break the law, you can pretty much do anything in the United States of America.

We as a people take way too much for granted. Most people have no idea what our men and women in the armed-forces give up. They are told when and where to be without a say. They eat, sleep and do what they are ordered to do. Many of them are thousands upon thousands of miles away from their families. They give up so much so you and I don’t have to.

Louisville’s Strange Brew wants to say “thank you” to our current men and women who are serving this great nation. We want to thank the veterans who fought or served this great nation. We thank our forefathers who fought and died for our freedoms. America is still the greatest nation on earth and I am proud to be an American.