Recap of my year #1 – my family

Parents – My parents lived another year. They are both in their 70’s (dad is almost 80) and still with me. I got to see the NCAA Tournament live with my dad and saw UK win a National Title for the third time with my dad. That was priceless. I still enjoy my mom going off on not so nice rants. I enjoyed this when I was 10, 20 and now at age 31.As far as I’m concerned, they both could live another 70 years.

My sister Brenda – When I was a kid she was my favorite sister and she still is. She does a lot for my parents, like seeing them often. She is a great mom and one of the best people I’ve ever known.

My niece Ashley – It seems like yesterday I was holding a little 5 pound something baby. Now she is engaged to a nice guy and getting married. She is a hard-worker and deserves the best in life.

My niece Michaela; My nephew Matthew – They are my sister Brenda’s two kids. I see them a lot and miss them being little. They got me a cool UK blanket for my B-day that they made online. It is now on my bed as the main cover.

My sister Debbie – Probably saw her more this year than in the past five years put together. I got a nice hug and kiss from her on my b-day. Made me feel like a kid again after that.

Luke – He’s Debbie’s youngest kid. Sad that my 19 year-old nephew is like 4-5 inches taller than me. I can’t believe he’s in college now. It seems like he was 10 just yesterday.

Rachel – My sister Debbie’s middle child. I saw her on my birthday for the first time in about 5 or 6 years. She turned out to be a beautiful young lady that I am sure will make some guy lucky.

Rest of my family – Nothing bad. I don’t seem them or hear from them. So I won’t waste my time talking about them.

Man of the Year Candidate #5

Hey, the man was “raped” by two sisters. I admire a man who bangs two hotties and then turns them in! Whores!

Full Story here

Two sisters have been charged in St. Croix County Court with sexually assaulting a man with a pliers and giving him urine to drink.

Valerie M. Bartkey, 24, and Amanda L. Johnson, 17, both of Somerset are each charged with a felony count of second-degree sexual assault by force and misdemeanor counts of battery and criminal damage to property. Johnson is also charged with a misdemeanor count of intimidating a victim.

The felony has a maximum penalty of 25 years in prison. They each are scheduled to make their initial court appearances April 12.

According to court records:

An 18-year-old man told police he was at a Somerset residence Oct. 1 when the sisters punched and kicked him, and later put one of the man’s shoes in the toilet and soaked the other in a sink.

The man said the sisters later brought him a cup of liquid that they said was lemonade and forced him to drink it. It was urine from the sisters.

The man said the sisters later forced him to undress, saying one wanted to have sex with him. Bartkey reportedly pulled and twisted the man’s penis with pliers while Johnson threatened him with a belt. The man said, on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 the most pain he’d ever experienced, that the incident was 10. Johnson later ripped the man’s shirt to the point at which it would not stay on his body.